The most impressive physical feat you are likely to witness today didnt happen on the field of play. It occured in an innovative medical facility, where a 26 year-old American paralyzed from the waist down became the first person with paraplegia to walk without relying on robotic limbs that are controlled manually:当今最令人印象深刻印象的物理学装具并没再次发生在竞技领域,而是创新医疗设备领域。26岁的美国腰下截瘫病人沦为了首名无人工机械腿掌控下独立国家行驶的截瘫患者。
As the photo shows, the man, who lost the use of his legs following a spinal injury 5 years ago, just completed a 3.5 meter course with the help of technology and some ambitious physicians.就像展出的一样,这位在五年前漏髓受损以后丧失双腿的青年,在科技和雄心勃勃的物理学家的协助下,刚走完了3.5米的路程。That technology, as one might expect for a breakthrough like this, is quite sophisticated. But roughly speaking, the process begins when an electrode cap on the mans head is able to recognize the brain waves that tell the body what to do. A computer receives this information wirelessly and transmits the appropriate command (i.e. stand still or walk) to a microcontroller pack on the mans waist. Stemming from this microcontroller are electrodes connected to the mans knees, which stimulate the appropriate nerves to trigger the right muscle movement required for walking.作为一项获得重大突破的技术,这项技术十分复杂。
Lest you think this breakthrough was simply the product of advanced technology, doctors leading the study at UC Irvine were sure to note the patients intensive training required throughout the process. Not only did the patient need to rebuild a significant amount of muscle that hed lost over 5 years while in a wheelchair, but he needed to learn how to produce the right brain signals -- a function of the central nervous system that is so easy to take for granted.如果你指出这一突破意味着是先进设备技术的产物,那在UC Irvine领导该项研究的医生却特别强调,整个过程必须病患高强度的训练。病患不仅必须修复他在五年轮椅生涯中遗失的大量肌肉,还必须自学怎么升空准确的脑部信号---这是中枢神经系统必需分担的一项功能。
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