Scientists have found an unexpected culprit for the Titanics sinking: the moon, Reuters reported.据路透社报导,科学家找到了泰坦尼克号击沉的车祸之因:月球。Greenland icebergs of the type that the Titanic struck generally become stuck in the shallow waters off Labrador and Newfoundland, and cannot resume moving southward until they have melted enough to re-float or a high tide frees them, Donald Olson from Texas State University said.来自德克萨斯州立大学的唐纳德奥尔森回应,泰坦尼克号撞到上的那种格陵兰岛冰川,一般都是沉没在拉布拉多和纽芬兰旁的浅水中,它们直到融化到能飘浮,或被大潮卷走才能新的开始移动。Olson said a once-in-many-lifetimes event occurred on Jan. 4, 1912, when the moon and sun lined up in such a way that their gravitational pulls enhanced each other. At the same time, the moons closest approach to earth that January was the closest in 1,400 years.奥尔森说道,千年一遇的现象于1912年1月4日再次发生:月球和太阳分列得十分平,两者间的吸引力使得各自的引力强化。
同时,月球在那年的1月份距离地球也是1400年来最近的。The high tide caused by the bizarre combination of astronomical events would have been enough to dislodge icebergs from Greenland in January 1912 and give them enough buoyancy to reach the shipping lanes by April, Olson said. 奥尔森你说道,1912年1月份这些无法解释的天文现象在一起引发了大潮,大潮不足以使冰川从格陵兰岛开裂,并给它们充足的浮力使它们4月前漂流到航道。
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