Google has promised to allow rivals search engines and apps to be pre-installed on phones running its versions of Android in Russia. In addition, Google has promised to develop a tool to make it easy for users to change their devices default search engine.日前,谷歌公司方面允诺,容许竞争性的搜索引擎和应用于在俄罗斯的安卓手机上笔记本电脑。此外,谷歌还允诺研发一种工具,便利用户变更设备的配置文件搜索引擎。Shares in Googles local Russian rival, Yandex, rose more than 7% on the news.据报导,谷歌在俄罗斯的竞争对手Yande的市场份额涨幅多达了7%。It brings to an end a long-running battle between the US firm and Russias competition regulator, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).此次妥协完结了这家美国公司与俄罗斯竞争监管部门--联邦反垄断局之间的长期斗争。
We are happy to have reached a commercial agreement with Yandex and a settlement with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), resolving the case over the Google apps on Android, a spokeswoman for Google told the BBC.谷歌方面一位发言人在拒绝接受BBC专访时回应:“我们很高兴与Yandex达成协议一份商业协议,并与俄罗斯反垄断局达成协议了妥协,从而解决问题了有关安卓手机上谷歌应用于的问题。”Yandexs chief executive Arkady Volozh declared the settlement an important day for Russian consumers.Yandex的首席执行官阿尔卡季·沃罗日声称,该妥协对于俄罗斯消费者而言是很最重要的日子。I am thankful to the Federal Antimonopoly Service for applying the law in a manner that effectively and efficiently restores competition to the market for the benefit of Russian users, as competition always breeds innovation, he added.他补足说:“我很感激联邦反垄断局以法律的方式,有效地确保了市场竞争秩序,确保了俄罗斯消费者的利益。因为只有有效地竞争才能孕育出创意。
”The EU continues to pursue similar claims against Google, saying the firm is requiring and incentivising, Android hardware manufacturers to exclusively use its services.欧盟方面也将之后向谷歌公司展开类似于的赔偿,他们指出谷歌的威逼利诱造成了安卓硬件制造商们只用于谷歌的产品。
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