Volvo is aiming to put up to 100 self-driving cars on the roads in China in the hope that testing them on the country’s notoriously congested, hazardous roads will enable the carmaker to pull ahead in the race to develop autonomous vehicle technologies. 沃尔沃(Volvo)力求让多达100辆自动驾驶汽车在中国上路,期望在以交通堵塞和危险性著称的中国道路上试车将使其跑完输掉研发无人驾驶技术的竞赛。Pioneered by Google and other tech companies, autonomous driving is becoming one of the most disruptive forces in the auto industry, and carmakers are setting out their positions. 由谷歌(Google)和其他科技公司拓展的无人驾驶,于是以沦为汽车行业最不具颠覆性的力量之一,各家汽车制造商正在阐述自己的定位。
General Motors’ $1bn purchase last month of driverless car start-up Cruise and Tesla’s new sensors-packed Model 3 suggest that companies consider themselves not just in the business of making cars, but of providing “mobility”. 通用汽车(General Motors)上月耗资10亿美元并购无人驾驶汽车初创企业Cruise,以及特斯拉(Tesla)最近公布配有大量传感器的新款Model 3,都或许指出企业指出自己不仅在专门从事生产汽车的业务,而且也在获取“机动性”。But getting driverless vehicles on the road faces legal, technical and social challenges. Even BMW, which was one of the first to invest in such technology, has downplayed the chances of seeing unrestricted driverless vehicles in action this decade. 但是,让无人驾驶汽车上路的希望,面对着法律、技术和社会层面的种种挑战。即使是首批投资于这类技术的公司之一宝马(BMW),也淡化了在本十年看见无人驾驶汽车不受限制地行经的几率。
Volvo, the Swedish company now owned by Chinese carmaker Geely, hopes the unique traffic and legislative conditions in China allow it to overcome the challenges ahead of rivals. 沃尔沃如今由中国汽车制造商吉利(Geely)享有。这家瑞典企业期望,中国独有的交通和法律条件将让它比竞争对手更加早于解决各项挑战。Chinese cities will bid for a chance to take part in the experiment, where drivers would use Volvo’s autonomous vehicles for their daily commutes, enabling the carmaker to gather real-world data, Volvo said yesterday. 沃尔沃昨日回应,中国城市将申请人参与这场实验,实验期间车主将把沃尔沃的无人驾驶汽车用作日常通勤,使这家汽车制造商需要收集真实世界的数据。Volvo has not announced a timeframe, but a parallel trial to be run in Gothenburg, Sweden, is scheduled to begin in 2017. 沃尔沃还没宣告时间框架,但在瑞典哥德堡展开的一个平行测试订于2017年启动。
Industry experts say driverless technology has added value in China, given its uniquely painful combination of extreme pollution and a terrible safety record — more than 200,000 people died in road accidents in China last year. 业内专家回应,无人驾驶技术在中国具备额外价值,因为中国具有极端污染和可怕安全性记录的独有伤痛人组;去年中国有逾20万人杀于道路交通事故。Government support is also important. Patchwork legislation, a potential obstacle for development in Europe and the US, is less of an issue in China, where authorities have the power to put blanket regulations into place across the country. 政府反对也是最重要的。
各自为政的法规是欧洲和美国发展无人驾驶的一个潜在障碍,这个问题在中国不那么相当严重;中国有关部门可以在全国实行统一法规。Geely and Baidu, the Chinese search engine, have both been lobbying the government to develop such a framework. Volvo said its planned experiment is a call for the government to translate into action its “forthright language” on promises of commitment to autonomous vehicle development. 吉利和中国搜索引擎百度(Baidu)两家仍然在游说政府制订这样一个框架。沃尔沃回应,其计划中的实验是向政府收到的一个敦促,呼吁政府把允诺发展无人驾驶汽车的“具体措辞”转化成为行动。Baidu, which is working with BMW with the goal of getting autonomous vehicles on to China’s roads within three years, has secured local government support in the development of pilot projects in several Chinese cities. 百度于是以与宝马合作,目标是在三年内让无人驾驶汽车进上中国的道路。
百度已在中国数个城市谋求到地方政府对试点项目的反对。Its approach is to put smallish buses on public transport routes, said Kaiser Kuo, director of international communications for Baidu. 百度国际媒体公关总监郭怡广(Kaiser Kuo)讲解说道,该公司的计划是把小型巴士投放公交车路线。
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