The rich are set to become God-like cyborgs in what could be the biggest evolution in biology since life emerged.富人们将变为不会沦为上帝般的电子人,这将有可能是人类有史以来“在生物方面仅次于的演化”。This is according to Yuval Noah Harari, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who believes the radical shift will take place in the next 200 years.这是来自耶路撒冷希伯来大学(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)的教授奇尔瓦诺亚哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)的应验,他坚信这种巨变不会在未来200年内再次发生。Using biotechnology and genetic engineering, Professor Harari claims the wealthy will transform into a new type of divine, immortal human with complete power over life and death.哈拉里说道,富人们用于生物技术和基因工程技术,需要转化成新的人类——神圣,永恒,对生与死有几乎的掌控权。
He argues that humans are unable to resist the temptation to upgrade themselves, according to a report by Sarah Knapton in the Telegraph.萨拉卡普顿(Sarah Knapton)在《电讯报》(Telegraph)的报导称之为,哈拉里明确提出,人类无法拒绝接受“升级”自身的欲望。We are programmed to be dissatisfied, said Professor Harari, during a recent speech at the Hay literary festival in Wales.哈拉里教授最近在威尔士干草文学节发表演说,称之为,“我们已被原作为不符合现状。”Even when humans gain pleasure and achievements it is not enough. They want more and more.“即使人类取得了幸福和成就,依然深感不符合。
他们想更加多。”I think it is likely in the next 200 years or so homo sapiens will upgrade themselves into some idea of a divine being, either through biological manipulation or genetic engineering or by the creation of cyborgs, part organic part non-organic.“我指出在接下来的大约200年里,现代人很可能会通过用于生物操纵或基因工程,或通过建构半有机半无机的电子人,使自身升级为神人。”It will be the greatest evolution in biology since the appearance of life. Nothing really has changed in four billion years biologically speaking.“这将是自人类生命问世以来,在生物方面仅次于的演化。
从生物学上来讲,400亿年来,人类的身体结构并没确实发生变化。But we will be as different from todays humans as chimps are now from us.“就像猩猩早已离我们很很远了,我们也将不会与今天的人类截然不同。”The technology to do this, however, will be restricted to the very wealthy, claims Professor Harari.然而,哈拉里教授称之为,改建人类这一技术将只归属于富人。
Up until now, he says society has been held together by inventing fictions, such as religion, money and the idea of fundamental human rights.他说道,在目前为止,社会被建构的“虚幻”团结一致在一起,如宗教,金钱,人权思想等。As long as humans believed they relied more and more on these gods they were controllable, he said.他说道,只要人类坚信这些,更加依赖这些“神”,他们就是高效率的。But what we see in the last few centuries is humans becoming more powerful and they no longer need the crutches of the Gods.但是我们在过去几个世纪里所看见的是,人类显得更加强劲,仍然必须上帝的拐杖。He added that the most interesting place in the world from a religious perspective is not the Middle East but Silicon Valley.他补足道,从宗教的观点来看,世界上最有意思的地方不是中东,而是硅谷。
Here, people are developing what he describes as a techno-religion in which they believe death is just a technological problem.这里的人们发展出有这样一种他称作“技术宗教”的观念:他们坚信丧生只是一个技术问题。Now we are saying we do not need God just technology, he added.他补足道,“现在我们不必须上帝了,只必须技术。
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