千亿体育_双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第128期:杭州湾跨海大桥
The Hangzhou Bay Bridgel杭州湾跨海大桥Hgzhou Bay Bridge (36 kilometers ong) is a bridge across Hangzhou Bay off the eastern coast of China. It connects Haiyan in Jiaxing city and Cixi of Ningbo city in Zhepang Province. The bridge is the longest trans-oceanic bridge in the world, one of the masterpieces of modem architecture.杭州湾跨海大桥是一座跨越中国杭州湾海域的跨海大桥,南起宁波慈溪,北至嘉兴海盐,全长36千米。杭州湾跨海大桥是世界上最久的跨海大桥,是世界建桥史上的一项先例和奇迹。The bridge underwent various feasibility studies for a decade before it was finally approved in 2002. Construction of this bridge started on June 8, 2003. The opening ceremony was held on June 26, 2007 with great domestic media publicity, though after the opening ceremony, the bridge would only be used for test and evaluation purposes. It was opened to the public on May l, 2008. The bridge reduces the previously trip from Ningbo fo Shanghai by 120km and alleviates the congested Huhang Highway and Hangyong Highway.杭州湾跨海大桥2002年经国家计委批准后立项,2003年6月8日奠基,2007年6月26日全线贯通,2008年5月1日竣工通车。
通车后从浙江宁波到上海的陆路距离延长了120千米左右,大大减轻早已拥挤不堪的沪杭和杭甬高速公路的压力。The bridge has six expressway lanes in two directions. The designated speed is 100 kilometres per hour, and the designed longevity is more than 100 years. The total investment on the bridge was RMB 11. 8 billion. The bridge is shaped in an S , and the length of the bridge is decorated with flashing lights of different colors so that to distract from drowsiness, and keep attention on the road instead. This is also the real reason for S shape. There will be a service centre on this express-way. Mid-way through the bridge, a service island will be built for cars to turn off the road for rest, food, and a wide-range of services. The island is actually a plot- form resting on piers.大桥桥宽33米,为双向六车道。设计时速100千米,设计使用寿命100年以上,总投资1 18亿元。
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