印度司机强奸乘客 Uber或同遭起诉‘千亿体育’
NEW DELHI — A woman was raped late Friday by a driver for Uber, the hail-a-ride service, who diverted from the intended route and switched off his cellphone so that he was untraceable during the ride, police officials in New Delhi said.新德里——新德里的警员回应,周五夜间,一名女子遭到Uber司机强奸。Uber是一个用车服务公司。
这名司机从预计路线淤塞,并开动了手机,所以无法在行经过程中对他展开跟踪。The authorities arrested the accused driver, identified as Shiv Kumar Yadav, 32, on Sunday evening in his native city, around 90 miles southeast of New Delhi. Officials intend to bring civil or criminal charges against the ride-sharing service, said Madhur Verma, the deputy commissioner of the police for the northern district of New Delhi.现确认,这名司机是32岁的希夫·库马尔·亚达夫(Shiv Kumar Yadav)。周日晚间,官方在他家乡所在的城市将其被捕,这里坐落于新德里东南方向大约90英里(约合145公里)。
新德里北部地区的警察局副局长马德胡尔·维尔马(Madhur Verma)回应,官方想对这个下车服务公司驳回民事或刑事指控。The woman, 26, who works at a finance company, was returning from a dinner engagement and used the mobile app for Uber to hail a car to drive her home to Gurgaon, outside New Delhi, Mr. Verma said. The rape case was reported to the police about 1:25 a.m. on Saturday. Mr. Verma said the woman had been physically examined and showed signs of a “fierce sexual assault and rape.”维尔马说道,遭强奸的女子今年26岁,在一家金融公司工作。当时,她刚完结一个晚餐约会,然后用Uber的移动应用于叫了一辆车送来她回家,她家坐落于新德里之外的古尔冈。周六凌晨1点25分,警方收到报案。
维尔马称之为,该女子已拒绝接受身体检查,结果显示,她遭了“激烈的性侵犯和强奸”。The police in Delhi said Mr. Yadav, who migrated to the capital from the neighboring state of Uttar Pradesh, lived in a rented one-room house and had no criminal history.德里警方回应,亚达夫就是指旁边的北方邦搬到来新德里的,他住在一间租来的一居室里,没犯罪记录。In a public statement, Uber said it had suspended the driver’s account.Uber在公开发表声明中回应,它已继续重开了亚达夫的账户。
“Our thoughts are with the victim of this terrible crime, and we are working with the police as they investigate. We will assist them in any way we can,” said the statement, which was posted on Uber’s blog.公布在Uber博客上的声明称之为,“我们的心与这个可怕罪行的受害者在一起,我们正在因应警方调查。我们将竭尽所能地为他们获取帮助。
”Mr. Verma said Uber could face civil or criminal charges.维尔马回应,Uber有可能面对着民事或刑事指控。Evelyn Tay, a spokeswoman for the company, said that in India, Uber works “with licensed driver-partners to provide a safe transportation option, with layers of safeguards such as driver and vehicle information” to ensure “accountability and traceability of all trips that occur on the Uber platform.”该公司女发言人埃韦林·塔伊(Evelyn Tay)称之为,在印度,“为了给乘客获取一种安全性的交通自由选择”,Uber的合作伙伴“都是取得许可的司机,而且还享有司机或车辆信息等多层保护措施”,以确保“Uber平台上所有行程的可靠性和可追踪性”。According to Mr. Verma, the woman fell asleep during the ride. When she awoke, she found that the driver had taken her to a secluded area. He then stopped the car and assaulted her. Mr. Verma said the driver threatened to kill the woman if she reported the assault to the police, and then drove her home.维尔马称之为,这名女子在乘车过程中睡觉了。
“She was alert and smart enough to get a picture of the cab with the number plate on her mobile,” Mr. Verma said.维尔马说道,“她很机警,也充足聪慧,用手机给这辆车拍电影了照,照片表明了车牌号。
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