The astronomical rise in the value of bitcoin—which has surged more than 8,000 percent over the course of 2013—has created a new breed of digital currency multimillionaires.随着比特币价值的攀升——2013年全年其价值剧增到了原本的80倍,一群新兴的虚拟世界货币千万富翁问世了。The 34-year-old Roger Ver began investing in bitcoins in early 2011—and made his first million from the virtual currency that same year—which saw prices skyrocket from around $0.30 to $32 before settling at $2. He bought his first bitcoins at around $1.34岁的罗杰·沃在2011年上旬开始在比特币上投资——同年他从这种虚拟世界货币上赚了第一桶金。罗杰亲眼了比特币价格下降的轨迹,从约0.3美元跟上、攀升至32美元、最后以2美元收盘。他最初是以大约1.34美元的价格买下比特币的。
With prices currently hovering above $1,000, his virtual wealth has since exploded. Ver says he doesnt feel richer but that his wealth is much more liquid than it would be in a normal bank account.现在比特币的价值在1000美元上下游走,沃享有的虚拟世界货币的财富也随之激增。沃并没实在自己“更为富裕了”,因为他的财富“比一般的银行存款更加具备流动性。”Ver is one of hundreds of investors that have struck it big with bitcoin. But his association with the virtual currency extends far beyond just owning it.沃是数百个靠比特币发家致富的投资者之一。但对他来说,比特币相比之下不仅是一种所有物。
At $1,000, Ver regards bitcoin as incredibly cheap, noting that if it gains in popularity as he anticipates, each bitcoin would be worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.当比特币的价值超过1000美元时,沃还指出比特币“低廉的令人不敢相信”,依照他的推断,比特币的人气还不会下降,到时它的价值不会超过数万乃至数十万美元之多。The rapid price rise is due to people with money starting to realize how important of an invention bitcoin is, he said.“比特币价值上周的原因在于,持有人财富的人开始意识到这种虚拟世界货币的重要性。”他说道。Bitcoin will experience many bubbles along its way to improving the lives of everyone on the planet. Im not concerned with the short-term price fluctuations, he added.“比特币将经历许多经济泡沫,但最后它将提高世界上每个人的存活境况。
Ver, who currently uses bitcoins to pay factories in China to produce electronics components for his company, says he plans to use them to promote the ideas of Voluntaryism and economic freedom in the future.沃目前于是以用比特币来缴纳几家为公司生产电力电子器件的中国企业。他说道,他将用于比特币来宣传强迫主义和经济自由主义。
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