“千亿体育”iPhone需求前景推升苹果股价 Apple buoyed on bullish iPhone prospects
Apple shares rose on Tuesday, further narrowing their decline over the past year, after an investment bank issued a bullish note on iPhone demand. 苹果(Apple)股价周二上升,更进一步收窄了过去一年的跌幅,此前一家投资银行公布了对iPhone的市场需求回应悲观的报告。Demand for the smartphone, which is Apple’s most important product, is tracking at 56.5m units for the quarter to the end of March, according to an analysis of web search data by Morgan Stanley. That is “clearly ahead of expectations as investors are sceptical Apple can reach implied guidance of 52m,” the New York-based investment bank said. 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)对网络搜寻数据的分析表明,在截至3月底的第一季度,这款智能手机(苹果最重要的产品)的市场需求未来将会超过5650万部。
这家总部坐落于纽约的投行回应,这“似乎远超过预期,投资者于是以对苹果能否超过5200万部的说明了销售提示回应猜测。” Anxiety has been rising about slowing sales growth for the iPhone, which accounted for more than two-thirds of Apple’s total revenue in the previous quarter, due to saturation in the domestic market and economic headwinds from China, a key growth driver for the world’s biggest publicly traded company. iPhone占苹果上季度总营收的逾三分之二,但美国国内市场饱和状态以及中国经济遭遇阻力促成市场对iPhone销售快速增长上升日益情绪。中国是这家全球市值最低上市公司的关键快速增长动力。
However, Morgan’s data point to positive year-on-year and sequential gains to the end of February in China, as “growth improved in most regions”. 然而,摩根士丹利的数据指出,截至2月底,苹果在中国的同比及环比展现出皆为正数,与此同时,“快速增长在大部分地区都有所改善”。Apple’s shares climbed 2.3 per cent, making the Cupertino, California-based company the second-best performer on the SP 500. The stock is now essentially flat for 2016, having been down as much as 12.2 per cent on a year-to-date basis in late January. It is off 16.2 per cent over the past 12 months. 苹果股价下跌了2.3%,使这家总部坐落于加州库比蒂诺的公司沦为标准普尔500指数(SP 500)中展现出第二杰出的个股。
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