If you have ever been caught in the rain without an umbrella you should appreciate this innovative lamppost - because it doubles as a shelter.如果你曾有过下雨天忘带伞的经历,那么你一定会讨厌这款革新式的路灯:它既能灯光,又能挡雨。The Lampbrella has been designed for those of us who get caught short by the elements.这款“伞灯”是专门那些被大雨淋得猝不及防而手中又没装备的人士设计的。Naturally, the clever device would be particularly helpful in Britains unpredictable forecasts.事实上,这款设计放到以没什么征兆的降雨而著称的英国应当特别是在适合。
When the canopys sensors detect rainfall the umbrella is deployed and if it is left unused for two minutes it will close again.当灯罩上的传感器感受到雨点时,伞盖之后不会自动进行。而当没有人用于时,2分钟之后它不会自动重复使用。The Lampbrellas canopy, with a diameter of 7ft 2in and installed 6ft 5in from the ground, could comfortably shelter 10 to 12 people.“伞灯”的伞盖直径为7英尺2英寸(约合2.18米),高度为离地6英尺5英寸(约合1.96米),能只能容纳下10-12个人。
Belyaev, 27, from St Petersburg, Russia, said: Once I was driving on a street in St Petersburg and saw the street lamps illuminating people trying to hide from the rain.来自俄罗斯圣彼得堡的27岁年轻人Bleyaev说:“有次我在圣彼得堡的道路上驾车时,看见街灯太阳光下的人们于是以四起找寻可以水边的地方,”I thought it would be appropriate to have a canopy built into a streetlamp. When it starts raining, the sensors sen d a signal to the electric drive, which opens the umbrella at a safe low speed.’“于是我就想要:如果能把伞罩做进路灯里就好了。当天上开始大雨的时候,传感器向电驱动发送到信号,从而能徐徐地进行雨伞。”The umbrella then closes when a 360-degree motion sensor doesnt ‘see any people under the canopy for 2 minutes.“而当这个360度的全方位传感器找到伞下没路人水边时,之后不会在2分钟之后徐徐重开。
”Designer Mikhail Belyaev said he may opt for an alternative button operated system as it is currently in its concept stage.设计师Mikhail Belyaev他可能会自由选择一个可用按钮驱动的方案。因为这项设计还正处于概念状态。The freelance Russian designer has already had interest in his product from a number of companies, and he hopes to begin production work on the Lampbrella in the next few months.很多公司早已对这位来自俄罗斯的权利设计师的点子回应了兴趣。他期望能在接下来的几个月开始将概念设计推上生产。
Belyaev added: Id like to see Lampbella installed all over the world - but it is necessary to solve all aspects of its safety first.他说:“我期望伞灯能遍布全世界-当然,前提是保证它的各方面安全性。”I think it would be useful almost in every country, but especially in rainy England perhaps - Id love to see it in London.“我想要它对任何一个国家来说都会很简单,特别是在是在多雨的英国——真为期望伦敦也能装有上它们。”From the comments I have received, people really like it, I didnt expect good such reaction.“从接到的评论来看,人们很青睐这个设计。说实话我自己都没有预料到它不会这么热门!。
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