千亿体育|双语科技百科(化学) 第49期:青瓷
Celadon青瓷Celadon, a famous type of anaent Chinese stoneware, came into be-ing during the period of the Five Dynasties.It is characterizecf by simple but refined shapes,jade-like glaze, solid substance and a distinc-tive shrrle.prototype first emerged as early as the Shang Dynasty, gained the equal fame with white porcelain in the Tang Dynasty. The skills in celadon designing and firing were con-summated in the Song Dynasty due to the con-tributions from five celebrated imperial kilns-Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun and Ding. With five impe-rial kilns paying tributes to the royal court with their fine celadon products, several plebeian kilns, best represented by Yaozhou kiln in North China and Longquan kiln in the south, also prospered with their unique designs in cetadon making.青瓷是我国传统国瓷,始自五代。青瓷的特点是质坚胎薄、线条典雅、光泽圆润,从商周的完整青瓷,到唐代“南青北白”,青瓷的技艺在宋代超过颠峰。宋代五大名窑“汝、官、哥、钧、以定”,先后都以烧成青瓷而沦为宫廷瓷器,构成官窑青瓷的流派;而民间青瓷也是出现异常兴旺,以北方的耀州窑和南方的龙泉窑为代表,构成独有风格的民窑青瓷的流派。
Celadon has long been highly appraised in China mainly due to ifs similarity with jade in coloring and composition.It is mainly colored with ferric oxides and its hardness is somewhere between china and porcelain, so it is usually classified as a type of stone ware.青瓷之所以在中国不受尊崇,是因为青瓷与玉石类似于,它的成色成分和包含物质皆与玉石相近,是以氧化铁为主要着色成分,而质地是归属于陶与瓷之间的“炻器”状态,也就是经常说道的火石器。
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