A useful feature of Apples wireless AirPods, designed to help hearing impaired, can also be used to engage in eavesdropping - and peoples reactions are mixed.苹果的无线耳机可是十分简单,不仅可以用来助听功能,而且还可以用作监听——而人们回应的反应有所不同。The feature Live Listen was released with iOS 12, and according to Apple, can be used with AirPods to turn your iPhone iPad, or iPod touch into a microphone - which can then send sound to your AirPods.根据苹果公司的消息, 随着系统iOS 12打开了Live Listen的功能,苹果无线蓝牙耳机AirPod可以将你的苹果手机,平板iPod变为麦克风——可以把声音传输到耳机。“Live Listen can help you hear a conversation in a noisy area or even hear someone speaking across the room,” the website states.网站上称:“Live Listen(动态监听)功能需要在一个嘈杂的环境中听得确切对话,甚至可以听见某人在对面房间中的说出。”Its an accessibility feature mainly designed for the benefit for the hearing impaired.这项功能主要是为听力伤害人群设计的福利。
However, as some users have pointed out on Reddit, Live Listen also means Apple users can listen to conversations going on in another room - as long as their iPhone is in the room, they have their AirPods in and Live Listen is turned on.不过在红迪网(Reddit)上一些用户称之为,苹果用户可以在另外一个房间通过此功能监听,只要他们的手机在房间内,关上Live Listen 功能,手里有耳机就讫。“If you have AirPods, you can press Live Listen to On and leave your phone in the room with someone and you can hear what they are saying, thank me later,” one person wrote.“如果你有苹果耳机,页面打开“动态监听”功能,把你的手机放到有人的房间里,你就可以告诉他们在说什么了,可以晚点杜我。
”一个用户这样写到。To turn on Live Listen, AirPods must be on, at which point an ear symbol will appear in the iPhone drop-down control centre.要关上监听功能,苹果耳机必需进着,在手机下拉的控制中心上不会经常出现一个耳朵的标志。Once on, the sensitivity of the microphone can be modified to pick up more or less sound. The previously little-known feature has gone viral, people are suggesting it will be a game-changer when it comes to eavesdropping.一旦落成,麦克风的灵敏度可以自由选择声音大小。
这个之前大家都不告诉的小功能现在被疯传,有人就说道,用上监听功能以后这不会沦为一个问题。“This Live Listen button on iPhone with the AirPods combination is going to cause some problems…” one person wrote. Another said: “Literally just bought AirPods to spy on people.” Before AirPods were released, the Live Listen feature only worked with Made for iPhone hearing aids.“这个手机因应耳机的一个监听功能不会带给一些问题。
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