President Barack Obama called yesterday for the Muslim world to embark on a “generational task” of confronting the “cancer of violent extremism” in a sharply worded speech at the UN.美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日在联合国(UN)公开发表措辞严苛的讲话,敦促穆斯林世界分担起一项“一代人的任务”,对付“暴力极端主义之癌”。Speaking two days after he ordered the first US air strikes against Islamist militants in Syria, Mr Obama challenged other countries in the Middle East – including US allies – to do more to dismantle the extremist group Isis’s “network of death”.两天前,奥巴马命令美国对叙利亚境内的伊斯兰主义武装分子发动首波轰炸。奥巴马在昨日讲话中拒绝中东其他国家——还包括美国的盟友——采行更加多措施,毁坏极端团体ISIS的“丧生之网”。Mr Obama framed the struggle against the Isis in the stark moral terms that he has often been reluctant to use. “There can be no reasoning – no negotiation – with this brand of evil,” he said at the UN general assembly. “The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force.”在框定压制ISIS的斗争时,奥巴马用于了他往往不愿用于的态度独特的道德措辞。
他在联合国大会上回应:“对于这种邪恶势力不有可能有哲理的余地,不有可能有谈判的余地。这样的杀人犯需要解读的唯一语言是‘武力’。”The warlike rhetoric represented a stark change for a president who was elected to end the conflict in Iraq and who only last year claimed at the UN that America was “shifting away from a perpetual war footing”.这种开战式的措辞指出奥巴马的态度再次发生了很大改变。当初他竞选总统的允诺之一就是要完结伊拉克冲突。
就在去年,奥巴马还曾在联合国声称,美国要“解散永久战备的状态”。Mr Obama was speaking after the US launched a second night of attacks targeting Isis positions in Syria.奥巴马讲话之前,美国对叙利亚境内的ISIS目标发动第二晚的空中压制。While the Obama administration has celebrated that five regional allies took part in air strikes , Mr Obama appeared to criticise some of those same countries that have backed extremist elements in Syria.尽管奥巴马政府掌声5个中东盟国参予轰炸,但奥巴马或许还是抨击了其中某些国家对叙利亚境内极端分子的反对。
He insisted that all countries needed to “cut off the funding that fuels this hate”. In words that seemed aimed at some of America’s Gulf allies, he added: “It’s time to end the hypocrisy of those who accumulate wealth through the global economy, and then siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down.”他否认,所有国家必需“截断助燃这种仇恨的资金流”。他或许针对美国在海湾地区的某些盟友补足道:“有些人通过全球经济累积了财富,到头来却拿钱资助那些教教孩子们毁坏全球体制的人。是时候完结这种虚伪了。
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