Microsoft has unveiled its vision of what the home and office of the future will look like - and there are giant screens everywhere.微软公司展出了未来家庭和办公室的愿景,四处都是大屏幕。The computer giant produced the concept video to show off its new Envisioning lab where it hopes customers will come for inspiration.计算机巨头公司设计视频展出理念其新的“梦想实验室”,期望客户参予进去灵感启发。The concepts shown off include kitchens that can recognise vegetables and worktops that tell you how to cook them, wall sized screens to play games on and desks that spring into life as giant screens when touched.理念展出还包括厨房可辨识蔬菜种类,并在操作界面教教你如何烹调美味菜肴,可在屏幕墙上玩游戏,触碰大屏幕时操作台可弯曲。
The facility encompasses scenarios at home, at work and places in between, and is inspired by our product teams, Microsoft Research and by the trends across the industry.我们产品团队经微软公司研究中心和本行业趋势生产唤起启发,本设施不含家庭、工作两地的情节。I like to think of it as a concept car that allows us to share what it might be like to experience future technologies with visitors, get their feedback, tweak, remix and discuss. It’s all part of advancing the trends we think have the greatest potential.我指出把它当成一个概念车来宣传,容许我们与参观人员共享体验未来技术,从而获得大家的对系统信息、探究信息。我指出所有这些发展趋势都有仅次于发展潜力。
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