工信部 我国4G用户已达到7.7亿户“千亿体育”
China had 770 million 4G users as of the end of 2016, double the number from a year earlier, data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) showed.工业和信息化部的数据表明,截至2016年年底,我国4G用户已约7.7亿,人数较2015年缩减到。More than 58% of Chinas mobile phone users were 4G subscribers at the end of 2016, according to Zhang Feng, spokesperson and chief engineer of MIIT.工信部发言人、总工程师张峰回应,去年年底,我国多达58%的移动电话用户为4G用户。The number of 4G users was 386 million at the end of 2015.2015年年底,我国4G用户的人数是3.86亿。
China has the worlds largest 4G network and is aiming to add 2m 4G base stations, mainly for townships and villages, by 2018.我国享有世界仅次于的4G网络,并计划到2018年追加200万个4G基站,主要可供乡镇用于。The country is also researching and testing 5G technology with a goal to commercialize it by 2020.我国正在研究和测试5G技术,计划到2020年构建5G商业化。The research and development work has entered the second phase, according to Zhang, who noted that China will strengthen international cooperation in the process.张峰称之为,目前研发工作已转入第二阶段,在此过程中我国将强化国际合作。
Compared with 4G, 5G is much faster and more reliable and can be used to support virtual reality technology, ultra-high definition video transmission, autopilot and smart manufacturing, Zhang said.他回应,相比4G,5G具备更高的速率和可靠性,可被用作反对虚拟现实技术、超高清视频传输、自动导航仪和智能生产方面。
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